Wednesday, 2 September 2020

An Appeal to the American People - Straight from the President's Gut


Ok, I know that anyone with an iota of sense or compassion knows that Donald Trump is a ruthless, scheming bastard and the most divisive, cruel and stupid President our country has ever had the misfortune to have. As one listens again to his endless lies, to his violent abuse of anyone who dares to question him, or perhaps if one is truly masochistic, reads yet another one of his inane, aggressive tweets, many people must begin to wonder if this man, who so many voted to be their leader (Ok, I know not the majority, but lets draw a veil for the moment over how undemocratic a country that likes to boast of its democracy really is), who is nothing but a stupid bully-boy pawn in the claws of the Russian bully-boy King, those people who care about the terrible state of their country being made so much worse by the rule of a despotic, greedy psychopath, must be beginning to think, no matter how generous and optimistic their usual view of human nature, that Mr Donald Trump possesses not the smallest grain of good within his ridiculous body.

Much as I share the despair of those, who have reached such a conclusion, I am here to reluctantly inform them they are wrong. It is admittedly very hard to find but if you travel from the lying, vindictive mouth, down the disgusting throat, through the foul-smelling oesophagus, you will eventually reach the President’s gut. It is here and here alone that you can find some traces of goodness within the monster that is called Donald Trump. Indeed, I am one of those traces for I am amongst the dwindling band of good bacteria, that help the President’s bowels to function. Much as we may wish to down tools, go on strike, take a long and much needed vacation, so that our host becomes more and more blocked, until in a moment of rare and uncharacteristic anger, he finally explodes all over The White House Lawn, we are sadly not like humans and we are never allowed a break. We have to keep performing our vital function till we hopefully ascend or descend to Bacteria Heaven. I sometimes curse the fates that gave me such a host –how much more pleasant to have inhabited the gut of Michelle or Barack Obama, but bacteria like people often have no choice but to play the hand that they’ve been given.

So as the United States gears itself up again for the bizarre pantomime of a Presidential election, made even more bizarre now by the Coronavirus and the hostile invasion of Russian algorhythms, perhaps it’s time that instead of listening to the rubbish that comes out of the president’s mouth, the American people stopped to listen to the one good part of their current leader, the good bacteria in Donald Trump’s gut. Alas, we cannot get together to form The Good Bacteria Party, and gradually take over the mind of our host until we persuade him that Coronavirus does need to be taken seriously, that the climate emergency does need urgent action, and that both his own and other American’s racism needs to be rooted out. Our power is limited to the President’s gut, or to put it a bit more crudely we are the shit assisters, that enables the beast to carry on functioning. Yet we do occasionally exchange the odd word around the metaphorical bacteria water cooler, and we are all agreed that we want to play our part in preventing our bloated, power-mad host from staying in office any longer than he has to.

So, dear American voters, please listen to us. We know this President far better than you – try living in someone’s gut and you get a very good impression of their character. Alas we are the only redeeming features in the man you mistakenly gave the top job to four years ago. You need to get him out of the White House, put him on trial for all the money he’s screwed out of the country, and let him waste away in some Southern prison, tended kindly and forgivingly by black guards. Of course, even if the vast majority of you vote in the right way, it will not necessarily be easy to remove him. He will revert to the screaming, angry toddler, that refuses to give up a toy he’s stolen from his younger weaker brother. Yet, with any luck the US army will remember there is such a thing as The American Constitution, and forcefully evict the unwanted tenant from a property he wasn’t fit to clean the windows of.

Well, that’s it really. We have no choice but to continue doing our job, but in November you will have a choice. For in decent democracies, it is not only governments that should admit their mistakes, but also sometimes people need to do the same. Some of you made a terrible mistake four years ago, for which your country and the rest of the world has paid a high price. Now is the time to rectify that mistake, to push that Human-Trump-Monster back into the slimy, evil-smelling pond he crawled out of. You have heard the expression that you should listen to your gut. Now is the time to listen to your president’s gut.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Searching for Zuckerbergs to Save the Rainforests


Searching for Zuckerbergs

An Appeal from Rainforest Saver -


I typed Mark Zuckerberg into the Facebook Search Engine,

Friend Requests for 15 Mark Zuckerbergs - now pending.

Apparently one of them is fanmous due to Facebook,

Caught and made millions with a social media hook,

But I saw in a film that this Zuckerberg said

He wanted Facebook to do good, so when he went to bed

He’d dream not of trolls, Russians or those

Who use algorhythms to bloody the nose

Of honest discussion and political discourse.

So much safer when we got by with morse,

But with Twitter and Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok,

Who knows where we’re heading. Perhaps it’s time to take stock,

For it’s easy to talk about doing good,

But the proof of the pudding is what’s understood,

So if any of my potential Zuckerberg friends

Want to prove that their means are as good as their ends,

They might like to donate to a poem that gives

Help to the rainforests, and helps farmers to live

More sustainable lives, and helps us all breathe,

For if we need oxygen, we all need more trees,

So come on you Zuckerbergs, please lend me a hand,

For Generosity’s a word that I understand.